Harvey TwinTec Water Softener

The UK's #1 best water softener
The TwinTec range has been designed and engineered by Harvey Water Softeners. The machines match the specification of all other Harvey models and include some of the best water softeners on the market, including the Harvey TwinTec S4. This range is British manufactured - meaning it is designed to suit all British home heating systems, from combi boilers to gravity-fed systems.

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Why a TwinTec water softener?
The Harvey TwinTec range includes the TwinTec S4 - the UK's best water softener. Why is a TwinTec product better than any other model?
- The most efficient water softeners available on the market.
- The best priced premium system available online.
- A twin tank design for an uninterrupted supply of soft water, 24 hours a day.
- Most other companies charge for a warranty. With the TwinTec, you'll get a 10-year parts guarantee as standard and at no extra cost.
- You’ll get luxuriously softened water from the UK’s leading brand.
- The TwinTec is designed & engineered in the UK by Harvey Water Softeners.
- TwinTec models work with all types of British plumbing systems.
- A third party accreditation and WRAS approved.

Is a water softener worth the cost?
Hard water damages can cost an excessive amount of money including:
- High heating bills, due to limescale build-up inside your pipes.
- Damaged appliances such as washing machines & dishwashers.
- Boiler damages and call outs.
- Excess time & money spent on cleaning products, washing detergent & shower gels.
A TwinTec water softener can save 20-64% on energy bills and over £400 a year on household bills. With a 10 year warranty and an exclusive price of £1249.99 - the system pays for itself.
Get the most efficient water softener and Harvey model on the market - a premium specification at the cheapest price online.
TwinTec specification & features
- High flow rate of 56L/min to suit all plumbing systems.
- The smallest softener available.
- Suitable for 3/4 bathrooms.
- Twin tank design for 24/7 soft water.
- Lowest salt and water consumption (300g and 17L per regeneration.
- Made from recycled plastic.
- 10 years parts warranty.
How much is a TwinTec Water Softener
The best and most effective twintec Water Softener is the Harvey TwinTec S4. The S4 is £1149.99 to buy online. It is a Harvey water softener with the most up to date specification and best efficiency.

Check out what our Harvey TwinTec customers are saying ...

I'm Ready for a Quote & Online Discount
Shop the Harvey non electric water softener range online now...
Including the Harvey TwinTec S4, XL2 and Harvey Big Blue.

Harvey TwinTec S4
- Designed for family homes with 3/4 Bathrooms.
- 56L/min Flow Rate.
- Twin Tank & Non-Electric.
- Uses Block Salt.
- 10 Year Warranty.

Harvey XL2
- Designed for large homes with 4+ Bathrooms.
- 80L/min Flow Rate.
- Twin Tank & Non-Electric.
- Uses Block Salt.
- 10 Year Warranty.

The Harvey Big Blue
- Designed for large homes or businesses with 6+ Bathrooms.
- 82L/min Flow Rate.
- Twin Tank & Non-Electric.
- Uses Tablet Salt.
- 5 Year Warranty.